How To Bypass BIOS and Windows Log-In Password

Password in every computer's BIOS and Windows login that created by users is meant to protect the settings and important stuff from possible changes that an unauthorized individual will apply, not unless allowed by the owner due to some considerable circumstances. But how about if the password is forgotten and no matter how hard you tried remembering it still  you can't. Thus prohibiting anybody even the owner from accessing almost everything inside of it. What you will gonna do?

This was the problem that I've been dealing with a couple of days ago. The computer is a Compaq Desktop with  Windows Professional Operating System version 2002 installed on it. The owner, Avila, brought it to me because she cannot access anymore her files and all because it's totally locked up. But I was certain that the computer problem is 99% recoverable. So how I was able to break the code?
Simple! Every computer manufactured is equipped with a back-door password and tweaks to set back the product into its original configuration every time a problem is occurred.  Let's consider Compaq, if you search it on Google on how to bypass its BIOS every site has the same answer, the default password is "compaq." But in my case the password didn't work. However, I was not worried because there are three more ways to bypass it. And I did apply the removing of CMOS battery from the motherboard for about fifteen minutes or more so that the password will be erase and will roll back through the time when the computer was manufactured. The process was successful and effective, BIOS is never asking anymore for  password. Remember that in applying this method you must switch off and unplug the power.

The next problem now is how to bypass Windows login. It's easy! Even the strongest password can be penetrated in just 1-2-3. I know it's impossible and hard to imagine but yes it can. 
There are two ways to bypass Windows Login whether you will apply the Password Reset using a CD or DVD or Flash Drive, or by setting the computer into safe mode both were effective. Since I don't have the former therefore I applied the latter. As the computer starting up we can then press F8 to proceed to a certain menu. Here, we have to select Safe Mode using the arrow key in the keyboard then hit Enter and just wait for the moment it will finish loading. You will know that it's in a state of safe mode already if the icons were big, a text saying safe mode appeared in the upper and lower part of the screen.

Now, did you ever wonder how it was possible to login into the computer through safe mode state without filling up the Windows Login? Well, that's the magic of computer. It's simple, isn't it? But we are not done yet because this time we have to reset or simply delete the password of the first Administrator usually it has name in the Control Panel particularly in User Accounts then restart the computer, and everything is good to go. No more login password, no more hassle. However, we can't deny the important of passwords in protecting our most valuable documents, software and games installed in the computer especially if it's original and you don't have a copy of it to install it back whenever it's is reformatted. 


  1. Great! I wasn't aware of that technique, to remove the battery for fifteen minute to reset its settings. Regarding the process to penetrate the Windows login, I hope it's also applicable to other os aside from XP. I may need this info in the future. Thanks.

  2. Hello, Gian. Thank you so much for the comment. I just want to add some precautions to my article because doing it may cause serious harm to your computer therefore make sure that you know what you're really doing. But one thing I guarantee this method is pretty much effective. About the Win Login, so far it's effective in original Windows XP versions of operating system not the customized one, however in Win7 and Vista I used to apply the Windows Password Resetter, a software in a DVD. Thanks again please keep updated of my blog.
