Beware Of Paypal Email Phishing Site

Alert! Alert! To all Paypal users out there, a new Paypal email phishing site is trying to elude you with almost identical to Paypal log-in page.

I learned about  this when I received an email stating a Paypal service in which they're trying to contact me to resolve an issue pertaining to my account and then they put a Paypal link where i can log-in. At first look, it wasn't suspicious because the detail of the page is almost the same, however, when my eyes directs to its url address then that's the time I begin suspecting. It's a phishing site.

Look at the image of the Paypal phishing site below or click this Fake Paypal. Just click the image to enlarge.

And now compare it with the correct one below or click this Original Paypal. Just click the image to enlarge.

Folks, be aware also of this email that I received. Just click the image to enlarge.

Again, everybody be aware of this or else your most precious information in Paypal will be compromised.

Thanks for reading. I hope this blog helped you inform about this online malicious activity. And don't forget to leave a comment or subscribe to my blog. It's free!


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