10 Compelling Reasons Why Children Shouldn't Use Smartphone

Here in the Philippines, it's very common for children to have any sort of gadgets where they can watch videos on YouTube or play various games. Even small kids or babies had been so exposed to it. We know the benefits of smart phone technology to parents and to children but we must also be aware that it has also numerous negative impact to children, and mostly were so serious that parent would not even think possible.

As a tech blogger, I am so concerned to these children and at the same time so sad to parents who were not aware and concern about the devastation it can bring to their beloved kids.

That's why in this article I will share my thoughts based on my experiences, observation and research. Without further ado, the foregoing are my top ten convincing reasons why children should not have any kind of smart phone devices especially if they using it alone.

1. Children might tend to watch pornographic materials online

[Disclaimer: I don't own this image. Use for representation only.]

Parents out there, I know it's hard to believe but this is the truth. There were hundreds or even a thousand pornographic websites on the internet ready to be watched and viewed by your poor children. Even they don't intentionally search it, sometimes it suddenly appears or popup, so be aware. Not unless you put restrictions on your internet settings that totally blocked pornographic media and related sites.

2. Children might be addicted to any online games

[Disclaimer: I don't own this image. Use for representation only.]

Don't underestimate the devastating effects to children in getting addicted to online games because you will regret later if you do so. An addicted gamer played longer time thus they forget to eat in time, become lazy in doing house chores, and even affects seriously their schooling. So be very careful in giving your children such gadgets and devices because it might ruin your children's life very early. And here's another thing, it can also lead children into stealing money from their parents to buy game credits.

3. Children might be a victim of online pornography and child sexual exploitation

[Disclaimer: I don't own this image. Use for representation only.]

The growth of internet and advancement of smart phone technology led to the boom of child pornography. Child exploitation images are readily available throughout world-wide-web, including social media, video and photo sharing site, gaming devices and mobile applications. Therefore, if you don't protect your children they may fall victim of child pornography offenders.

4. Children might be hooked to social networking sites and get less sleep

[Disclaimer: I don't own this image. Use for representation only.]

5. Children surely exposed to too much radiation and get severe sickness in the future

[Disclaimer: I don't own this image. Use for representation only.]

The obvious health problem that may occur due to extreme mobile phone radiation would be headache and brain tumors. To prevent this from happening, parents must take action now, limit or prohibit them from using gadgets excessively. 

6. Children might become spoiled and affect their personal character and become aggressive

[Disclaimer: I don't own this image. Use for representation only.]

7. Parents will be having hard time controlling and disciplining their children

[Disclaimer: I don't own this image. Use for representation only.]

8. Children might affect their physical and mental development

[Disclaimer: I don't own this image. Use for representation only.]

9. Children might feed with fake information and violent images online

[Disclaimer: I don't own this image. Use for representation only.]

10. Parent will become negligent and irresponsible to their children

[Disclaimer: I don't own this image. Use for representation only.]


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